Enneagram Investing + Personality Quiz
Building a website and a personality quiz from scratch all within a week. By Benjamin Tan
In the last few months, I have written a few articles on how various Enneagram personality types exhibit different behaviors when it comes to individual investing. Below are the links to the 5 published so far:
Enneagram x Stock Picking (Part I): Type One Perfectionists
Enneagram x Stock Picking (Part II): Type Twos Investing in AMC to Save Movie Theaters?
Enneagram x Stock Picking (Part III): Type Three Investors, Successes, and Delaying Gratification
Enneagram x Stock Picking (Part IV): Type Four Investors and their Emotions
Enneagram x Stock Picking (Part V): Type Five Investors inside their Heads
As a believer in self-help, I have found the Enneagram to be useful for my self-awareness. It is a fascinating subject, as it looks beneath the surface of human manners to explore the underbellies through an intuitive framework. By dividing personalities into 9 distinct archetypes, it allows for easier recognition of self and others.
New Website: Enneagram Investing + Free Personality Quiz
As part of my longer-term publishing goal on the subject of Enneagram x personal investing, I built a dedicated website on Wix (WIX 0.00%↑) to dive further into the process. Plus, I incorporated a simple but accurate Enneagram typing quiz to make it fun for site visitors:
Building on Wix versus GoDaddy
Years ago, I helped a friend build a photography website on GoDaddy (GDDY 0.00%↑) and that experience required plenty of handholding. Perhaps it was also because I had to load plenty of pictures and it was a pain having to align everything for symmetry!
In contrast, building www.enneagraminvesting.com on Wix was a more straightforward affair. Having few pictures and media files to deal with helped. I adopted their templates liberally to make it easier on myself. It is the first iteration of my website and still a minimal variable product. There are plenty of functionalities on Wix that I have yet to explore, and I suspect I will have to spend more time tweaking it.
Personality Quiz built on Involve.me
I have noticed that most of the Enneagram tests on the market charge rather hefty fees. Though they may be more accurate, it can also be quite a process to take these elaborate tests. Having researched the subject extensively, especially with literature by Don Richard Riso, I believe it is possible to build simpler versions for a faster, frictionless experience.
Hence, I designed a new way to tease out Enneagram types with this FREE quiz, which takes less than 2 minutes. Accuracy is proven to be very high, having rigorously backtested the results with participants of known Enneagram types. And it is a fun way to commence your Enneagram journey and get to know your investing personality!
I shall be writing more about Enneagram types and personal investing in the weeks to come. Stay tuned and subscribe. Meantime, visit my website “Enneagram Investing”
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(Author is also a long-term shareholder of WIX)
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