Podcast Interview: On Psychology and Investing
Check out my interview on The Investing for Beginners Podcast.
On May 15, 2023, I joined Dave Ahern, co-host of The Investing for Beginners Podcast, for a conversation on how our personality types can interact with investing behaviors. This is a continuation of the theme from Enneagram x Stock Picking series.
Below are the Spotify and Apple links to the episode, which was released on June 15:
Outline of the episode (courtesy of The Investing for Beginners Podcast):
Benjamin Tan shares his roots and explains how human psychology intersects with investing in the form Enneagrams. [02:03]
What is the idea behind an Enneagram and how it can be used to encapsulate investor types. [05:37]
The nuances of different investor types and how it can bleed into one another. [08:43]
How knowing your investing personality will greatly help you make more informed and better decisions [11:05]
Discovering your blind spots and biases is a lifelong process and can change a lot over time. [15:08]
Taking a hard look into ourselves is easier said than done. Embracing weaknesses is not popular at all.[19:16]
The challenges in using a personality test to become a better investor. [24:56]
Understanding your own psychology is counterintuitively more important than focusing on returns. [27:05]
Why Learning about Our Motivations for Stock Picking Matters
Below are all the articles I have written so far on Enneagram x Stock Picking:
Enneagram x Stock Picking (Part I): Type One Perfectionists
Enneagram x Stock Picking (Part II): Type Twos Investing in AMC to Save Movie Theaters?
Enneagram x Stock Picking (Part III): Type Three Investors, Successes, and Delaying Gratification
Enneagram x Stock Picking (Part IV): Type Four Investors and their Emotions
Enneagram x Stock Picking (Part V): Type Five Investors inside their heads
Enneagram x Stock Picking (Part VI): Type Six Skeptics
Enneagram x Stock Picking (Part VII): Type Seven Enthusiasts
Enneagram x Stock Picking (Part VIII): Type Eights
Enneagram x Stock Picking (Part IX): Type Nine Peacemakers
Our best traits and core motivations are often accompanied by closely related blind spots and unhealthy biases. It is therefore important to clarify our primary underpinnings for investing in singular names, because they can reveal the specific personality pitfalls we face as investors.
To find out more about your typology, try the free test on my website.
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